Perks Program

The Loyalty (Perks) Program

We are excited to offer our amazing customers an exciting and generous Loyalty Program, Free!

Earn points, redeemable for merchandise of all sorts at our store. With a very generous 10% earning rate, you can get free finds, faster! 
Spend $10 and earn $1 on your rewards account. That’s amazing!

It’s free to join, just ask your sales associate next visit to join and start earning! 
Join and get exclusive sneak peeks into upcoming sale events, a special birthday discount and loyalty program special discounts. 

See below for details.

Earning Rules

Non transferrable non refundable

You may not transfer your account to another. Points are not eligible to transfer to another account. Points cannot be refunded.

Which items are eligible?

All merchandise in our store is eligible to earn points! 

How are points calculated?

For every ten dollars you spend in the store, you earn 10% ($1) back as reward points. 

What can I use points on?

Your points may be used on your next purchase towards your total. They can be applied on everything, including discounted items and sales!

Spending Threshold

In order to receive points, a customer must spend a minimum of $1 to earn one point. A customer may redeem any accumulated points at point of payment.

The Nitty Gritty

Termination Conditions

You may request for your account to be terminated at any time. Simply contact us and let us know you would like to terminate your account. 

Incase of Dispute

In the event of a disagreement, we reserve the right to deny points, terminate the loyalty account and have final say over the usage of the points. 

No Cash Value

The loyalty points hold no cash value and cannot be redeemed for cash. They hold no monetary value.

Redemption Limits

Unless otherwise stated, your points are not limited at time of payment. You may use any amount at any point of payment.

Personal Data Protection

We will never ask for sensitive information. To join we will ask for your name, address and email address. 
Hospice Thrift Store and Hospice Halifax will never send you spam.


Please contact us and we would happy to answer any questions you may have.